Strategic Partners

The 21st ICOMOS General Assembly and Scientific Symposium 2023 (GA2023) will feature an engaging program of site visits, functions, workshops and a four-day Scientific Symposium on the overarching theme of ‘Heritage Changes’, leaving a legacy for the management of cultural heritage and the communities that value and care for it in Australia and globally.

We look forward to sharing stories and techniques for conserving important cultural sites with heritage experts from around the world. GA2023 will particularly highlight the important role of Traditional Owners in caring for cultural heritage places and we acknowledge the important role of the Metropolitan Local Aboriginal Land Council as our Strategic Partner in staging this global cultural event

GA2023 simply would not be possible without the financial commitment and other support that is being contributed by the Australian Government and NSW Government. The City of Sydney, as well as public and private sector partner agencies have collaborated with us to enable the GA2023 to be staged across iconic heritage venues such as Sydney Town HallSydney Opera House (thanks to Opera Australia and the Sydney Opera House Trust) or Hyde Park Barracks and other historic properties managed by the Museums of History NSW and the National Trust of Australia (NSW).

The NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service,  Gundungurra Aboriginal Heritage Association, National Trust of Australia (NSW) and Blue Mountains City Council will host delegates in the Greater Blue Mountains and the GA2023 Youth Forum will gather on Cockatoo Island courtesy of the Sydney Harbour Federation TrustLuna Park Sydney is hosting a GA2023 party – ‘Just for fun’!

The ICC Sydney will host GA2023 and is a fitting venue with their implementation of the ICC Sydney Reconciliation Action Plan. ICC Sydney’s Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) is a commitment to fostering greater inclusion and recognition of our nation’s First People across all segments of the community. As a Strategic Partner of the GA2023, the venue recognises the importance of acknowledging and celebrating the culture of the traditional owners of the land as it continues its journey towards greater reconciliation for First Nations People.

Strategic Partners