Ambassador Program
Are you interested in becoming an Ambassador for GA2023?
The Ambassador Program is a key part of our program of outreach activities. We are looking for support from eminent heritage professionals and leaders, to increase awareness and attendance of international and national delegates at GA2023.
Your role as a GA2023 Ambassador will involve:
- actively promoting GA2023 to your network of colleagues to create general awareness and interest in GA2023 and to increase the number of registered delegates;
- developing relations with affiliated associations within your country/region, who are willing to promote GA2023;
- seeking organisations within your networks which can promote GA2023.
In return, you can expect to:
- be formally recognised as an Ambassador and be associated with the success of this prestigious international event;
- strengthen your existing networks;
- develop new contacts within your professional field;
- enjoy a special opportunity at GA2023.
Should you wish to participate in this exciting opportunity, please contact the GA2023 Managers via enquiries@icomosga2023.org