The ICOMOS GA2023 Greater Blue Mountains Day Trip
The Greater Blue Mountains was inscribed on the World Heritage List in 2000.
The unique plants and animals that live here relate an extraordinary story of the evolution of Australia’s unique eucalypt vegetation and its associated communities of plants and animals. It is an area of breathtaking views, rugged tablelands, sheer cliffs, deep inaccessible valleys and swamps. The Greater Blue Mountains is a place of immense cultural value to the Darug, Darkinjung, Gundungarra, Tharawal, Wonnarua, and Wiradjuri people. We have organised a number of different itineraries catering to all accessibility levels.
The Greater Blue Mountains Day Trip is included in all Full delegate registrations, including Student registrations. The content and itinerary of individual tours may change at the discretion of the event organisers.
We acknowledge the Aboriginal Dharug, Gundungurra, Wanaruah, Wiradjuri, Darkinjung and Tharawal Nations as the traditional owners of the Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area.