International Scientific Committee (ISC) Posters

The 21st International General Assembly and Scientific Symposium team welcomes the contribution of ICOMOS International Scientific Committees to GA2023. Please refer to the links on this page for all relevant ISC Poster information.

Final artwork to be submitted by 26 May 2023. 

ICOMOS GA Heritage Exposition ISC Poster Guidelines

  • Please refer to the guidelines linked below for all relevant information for the preparation and submission process for all ISC Posters

ICOMOS GA Heritage Exposition ISC Poster Template

  • Please refer to the linked template below to assist in the development and creation for all ISC Posters.

ICOMOS GA Heritage Exposition ISC Poster Sample

  • Please refer to the Poster Sample linked below as inspiration for the creation of all ISC Posters.

ICOMOS GA Heritage Exposition ISC Poster Submission

  • Please submit your finalised ISC Poster via the submission link below and included within the Poster guidelines.