The authors of material presented at GA2023 are solely responsible for the choice and the presentation of the facts contained and for the opinions expressed therein, which are not necessarily those of ICOMOS and do not commit the organisation. The designations employed and the presentation of material at GA2023 do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of ICOMOS concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.
Position Statement on Equity and Diversity at the 21st ICOMOS General Assembly (GA2023)
Australia ICOMOS and the managers of the 21st Triennial ICOMOS General Assembly and Scientific Symposium (GA2023), along with our invited speakers, sponsors and supporters, are committed to improving equality, diversity and inclusion across those researchers, practitioners and communities participating in the event. Therefore, we have endeavoured to build a program that will embrace different perspectives on the basis of professional experience, cultural background, disability, gender and sexual orientation to ensure our delegates have the greatest opportunity for respectful collaboration, diverse dialogues and creativity and innovation.
Aboriginal Procurement Policy
We will create opportunities for Aboriginal owned businesses and encourage Aboriginal employment through the supply chain of ICOMOS GA2023. Click below to read the full policy.
Sustainability Guide for GA2023
We aim to make GA2023 a carbon neutral and sustainable event. Our Sustainability Guide for GA2023 will help make the event environmentally and socially sustainable. Our Aboriginal Procurement Policy will create opportunities for Aboriginal owned businesses and employment. We encourage all sponsors, exhibitors, providers and delegates to read and use these policies.
Please be mindful of our planet and join us in our efforts to neutralise the GA2023 carbon footprint. We encourage all attendees to purchase airline carbon offsets and use public transport. We aim to minimise conference paper handouts and consumption through GA2023. Reusable water bottles will be provided but we ask delegates to bring their own reusable cups.
For more on sustainability at the GA click here
Code of Conduct
We value the participation and contribution of all people taking part in the ICOMOS General Assembly 2023 (GA2023) and want to create a safe and inclusive environment based on respect and integrity.
The Code of Conduct (the Code) applies to conduct both at GA2023 and during communications and events in connection with GA2023, whether online or in person. This includes but is not limited to meetings, social events, and pre-and post GA2023 tours hosted or sponsored in whole or part by GA2023, wherever they take place (together referred to as Related Events).
The Code applies to all participants attending or involved in any capacity in GA2023 and Related Events, including but not limited to delegates, speakers, volunteers and contractors, the International Convention Centre and their associates (together referred to as GA2023 Participants).
The Code should be read in conjunction with the GA2023 Cultural Safety Policy.
Cultural Safety Policy
This policy sets out GA2023’s commitment to cultural safety and requirements of participants, as well as protocols relating to the acknowledgement of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and other First Peoples.
The Cultural Safety policy applies to conduct both at GA2023 and during communications and events in connection with GA2023, whether online or in person. This includes but is not limited to meetings, social events, and pre-and post GA2023 tours hosted or sponsored in whole or part by GA2023, wherever they take place (together referred to as Related Events).
The Cultural Safety policy applies to all participants attending or involved in any capacity in GA2023 and Related Events, including but not limited to delegates, speakers, volunteers and contractors, the International Convention Centre and their associates (together referred to as GA2023 Participants).
This policy should be read in conjunction with the ICOMOS GA2023 Code of Conduct.
Welcome to Country and Acknowledgement of Country Protocol
This protocol explains these two practices used within Australia where First Nation’s peoples welcome others to their Country, and where anyone may offer an Acknowledgement of Country. The protocol provides guidance about how these practices will operate at GA2023.