We encourage each of our Strategic Partners, Corporate Patrons, and Exhibitors to promote their participation at GA2023 to their customers, stakeholders and staff as this helps to spread the word far and wide. Additionally, it demonstrates your investment in heritage and represents the perfect stage for your networks to connect and meet with you during GA2023.
To make sharing the news of your participation at GA2023 easy, we have prepared a range of promotional resources on this page that you can download.
We want you to achieve the best possible return on your contribution to GA2023. Promoting your participation is an effective way to engage with your audience and this Promotional Pack includes a range of useful content such as:
- copy for your internal or external communications
- short copy for social media posts
- email signatures and a website banner
- plus a range of other visual GA2023 branded assets.
GA2023 Logo & Guidelines
The GA2023 logo shows a stylised Xanthorrhoea (‘black boy’) plant, in the shape of Sydney Opera House. The design was conceived by Blak Douglas (aka Adam Hill), a Sydney-based Aboriginal artist, and developed collaboratively with Greg Hosking from Monotron Creative. The iconography picks up the ‘nature–culture journey’, which is a major program element, reflecting the importance of recognising that even natural heritage places have Traditional Owners and cultural values. The recognisable shape of the Sydney Opera House, attests to ‘changing’ meaning and more-recent cultural values, but is at the same time distinctively different from more usual Sydney Opera House iconography. The local name for the Xanthorrhoea is ‘Gadi’; reflected in the name of the ‘Gadigal’ people of the Eora Nation, the Traditional Owners of the land on which GA2023 will be held.
The image of the Sydney Opera House is used under license from the Sydney Opera House Trust.
Please ensure the following brand guidelines are followed:
- Only persons with permission to use the GA2023 logo for marketing purposes may do so. (Strategic Partners, Corporate Patrons and Exhibitors all have this permission).
- No elements of the logo lock up may be recreated, deleted, cropped, or reconfigured
- A clear space must be maintained on the perimeter surrounding logo
- GA2023 logo must be uniformly scaled. Non-uniform scaling distorts the proportions of the logo
- GA2023 logo should always appear upright
- GA2023 should appear against a solid background to ensure maximum and proper contrast
- GA2023 logo must be accompanied with the following statement: ‘The image of the Sydney Opera House is used under license from the Sydney Opera House Trust’.
EPS files are vector artwork and are infinitely scalable, thus eliminating the need to ensure proper resolution for the purpose of reproduction. Click here to download the GA2023 logo.
GA2023 Website Banner
Letting your networks know you are participating at the GA2023, plus encouraging them to attend also is easy by displaying this banner on the links or news page of your website. The URL to link to the banner is www.icomosga2023.org
Email Signature Banner
Including a GA2023 banner image under your email signature is an effective way to demonstrate your leadership in heritage and promote your participation at the GA2023. We encourage you and your staff to include these in your email communications during the lead up to the GA2023.
To select your nominated email signature banner, simply right click on the one you would like and select “save as”. Instructions on how to install your banner can be found at :
You can download all of the email signatures here:
Communications Template
We encourage you to share the news of your participation at GA2023 with your networks. To make this easy, we have prepared a statement that you may edit and include into your organisation’s newsletters, EDMs or other communication channels.
Simply copy and paste the below onto your chosen channel or document and edit as required by updating the copy shown in bold italics.
* enter your organisation’s name* is proud to be participating at the 21st Triennial General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of ICOMOS (the International Council of Monuments and Sites) from 31 August – 9 September 2023 as *mention your type of participation Corporate Patron, Strategic Partner, or Exhibitor.
ICOMOS is the world’s leading cultural heritage professional organisation and official Advisory Body to the UNESCO World Heritage Committee. The General Assembly is a premier global cultural heritage event, and we are very excited that Australia is host country.
The theme of the four-day Scientific Symposium: ‘Heritage Changes: Resilience – Responsibility – Rights – Relationships’, reflects the tumultuous changes taking place in the world, but also a positive message about the role of our heritage in supporting rapid recovery and inclusive approaches. This theme is important to us because *Enter a reason why this theme is important to your organisation, or what it means to you.*
We invite you to come and see us at the ICOMOS GA2023 plus meet and network with heritage professionals from all over the world. *enter organisation name* will be *mention or promote an activity you will be doing at your exhibition stand, or mention a social event where you would love to network with colleagues and business stakeholders.
We look forward to seeing you at GA2023.
For more information, visit: https://icomosga2023.org/
Social Media Tools
Social media is an effective tool to engage with your customers and your business network. It is also a smart way to leverage your investment in GA2023 by promoting both your participation at the event as well as demonstrating your support of professional development for heritage practitioners.
For some copy, you may find the Communications Template helpful, or we have provided some content examples below that you may copy and paste into your preferred channel.
ICOMOS 21st General Assembly and Scientific Symposium will focus on four themes including Resilience, Responsibility, Rights and Relationships. Join us at GA2023 in Sydney, 31 August-9 September. Learn more at https://icomosga2023.org/
Come and see us at the ICOMOS 21st General Assembly and Scientific Symposium in Sydney, 31 August-9 September. Learn more at https://icomosga2023.org/
We are supporting Resilience, Responsibility, Rights and Relationships in heritage. Join us at ICOMOSGA2023 in Sydney, 31 August-9 September. Learn more at https://icomosga2023.org/
- Facebook: ICOMOS General Assembly 2023
- LinkedIn: ICOMOS GA2023
- Instagram: @icomos_ga2023
- Twitter: @Icomos_GA2023
We have also created some handy tiles that you can share immediately on your social networks. Do not forget to use the hashtag #ICOMOSGA2023 so we can like and share your posts.
Download your choice of media tiles here.
Heritage Changes Banners
We have created some handy banners that you can use as a general graphic devices and email footers.
Download your choice of banners here.